I must be influenced by those eurosports news to do this right know, but the truth is that I also found a little bit of time to do so.
Anyway, I've been waiting for so long just to have two minutes to post the highlights of the class presentations, that I'm feeling a little bit ashamed of myself for doing this after our English classes ended for this semester. Still, I'd love to know, as well, what did you think about them ;)
Just a quick remember:
- Class presentations - Day One: ENGLISH LINES (06/06/07)
* First off went Zé. He explained us the history of Short Stories and gave us their characteristics
* Then it was me (Sandra). My Short Story was an excerpt of Bend It Like Beckham. I decided to compare the excerpt of the story with the excerpt of the film, and got so excited that almost forgot that there were still three to present.
* Artur went third: he picked up "Hello/Goodbye (which turned out to be his favourite short story, am I wrong?) and gave us the vision of death present in that Story. e also added what he thought to be the differences between the vision of death and the funerals in the country and in the city.
* Taking the "Slow Mirror" Short Story with him, Bernardo was the fourth one to go. He told us who Richard Zimler was, and then told us the key moments in that Short Story (I shouldn't probably say that, but it wouldn't be fair of me if I didn't: helped by Luís)
* Finally, to close the presentations day in the best way ever, there came Luis with his traditional depressing but way too beautiful powerpoint from the ghost story that is told in "The horse in the snow". In fact, what he did was to addapt the chinese puppets technique to the powerpoint, which turned out to be wonderful ;) - Class Presentations - Day Two: Bozena from ENGLISH LINES and THE NAMELESS FIVE (11/06/07)
(tell me it is just me, but I guess it sounded like a poster from a rock concert, didn't it?)
*First off: "our" Bozena. She picked "Breakfast at Tesco's" and compared it to "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Then she compared and analysed some of the characters from both stories
*Moving on to The Nameless Five, their first "victim" was André (sorry guys, but I still can't define which one was that). He presented (one of the best short-stories ever:) "The Tale-Tell Heart" by (my favourite author:) E.A. Poe. After some problems with the missing "brain" of the pen, we were able to hear a small biography of Poe, the key moments of the story itself and the description of the characters. Finally, he showed us a small animated film about the story
*Then it was Sara's turn. She presented us a Short Story by Fernando Sorrentino: "There's a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella". She told us a little about Sorrentino, then her interpretatiom of the story. Finally, we all discussed the theme, which started up as being just conscience and suddenly turned up to be conscience or love.
*Third off: the other Andre, who brought us "Spirit of Emulation", also by Sorrentino. He also told us some details of Sorrentino's life, then we heard what was the story all about and what was his interpretation.
Milton went next, who showed us "Zippo". He told us a little about the plot, and compared it to the film "Déjà Vu"
*Closing up the second day, we had Joana. She brought us "Fishing for Jasmine" by John Ravenscraft. She told us a little bit of his life, the plot of the story, analysed it, gave us her reaons for her choice and finally, a pretty theatrical reading, which I was loving, but unfortunaltely I couldn't hear to the ens :( - Class Presentations - Day Three: RIPATASIRANA (18/06/07)
(first of all, sorry if I got the name wrong)
*They came most as a group and showed us some examples of students who and been part of, not only the Erasmus program, but a change of country for studying, for their own reasons. They told us its story, the objectives, the origin of the name and finally, the interviews of people studying here from Italy and from Germany. We had a live interview with Bozena, to compare her situation with that of a portuguese girl studying in the Czech Republic
Ok, so those were the highlights of our personal summer festival, a sort of Presentations Festival. I tried to be as impersonal as I could, but I couldn't avoid some of the comments.
Anyway guys, share your Presentations Festival experience with me :) I know it's almost over, but we won't let the blog die, will we??