“It’s going to be a stormy night”. That was the thought running through my mind while trying not to fall on the bus. It was not the only one, but probably the major thought. There was no place to sit down, but after such an awful day, the idea of turning into a piece of carton prepared to go to the recycle bin did not bother me at all, but it was not a reassuring one, either.
“These guys are pretty bad at organizing the buses, don’t you think? I mean, there’s a big one for the next schedule, but we have to travel in these conditions… You’re not listening to me, are you?” In fact, I was not. Anyway, why in the world should I pay attention to someone I had never seen before in my entire life? It is insane, what people do for a bit if attention.
Back in my world. For a second, I imagined what it would be like to be on a bus with live music. I pictured a symphonic metal band. I turned the back of the bus into a stage. There would be two guitarists, one bass player, a drummer and a female singer, probably wearing a magnificent dark-red or brown and cream renaissance-like dress. Now, she would be singing “Silence From Afar” by After Forever. What an awesome voice… Suddenly, I burst out laughing. How could I? I mean, I was reduced to some 25cm2 square, where I could not even reach into my own pockets to hide my hands from the cold night. I was freezing in there, despite everything that was going on!
“Let me think of something else. Maybe this cold feeling will go away if I don’t pay attention to it!”. “Revolution Calling” by Queensrÿche started playing on my MP3 player. I followed the lyrics in my mind. “And now I see the chaos/ Everywhere I go…” Thank you very much, Geoff! I was trying to forget this entire situation. I was trying to forget that I am reduced to 25cm2, that the guy in front of me needs a bath, not to say that he stinks, and that my wrist hurts from all the effort I have been trying to make just not to fall! Thank you so much, Geoff!
I guess I had never noticed how long that bus ride was! Worst of all: it was a 2N, which meant that I had to walk home for twenty minutes. “Well, at least I have my MP3 player!” Or so I thought!
“I can’t believe it! You’re getting out here? Me too! That has got to be destiny…” yeah, right… whatever you say, honey! I just want to go home… Would you please go away? Why, thank you! Now that is destiny! Gosh… I guess I had never noticed how ridiculous some people can be when seeking attention.
A bit of peace, finally! “Hopefully, it will last for the next twenty minutes or so.” But the storm just got worse. There was no rain, but the early blackened sky was turning white every now and then. “Ok, I know that the only achievement we have for sure in our lives is death, but I really want to live, say, some extra fifty years? God, twenty minutes in the middle of nowhere with no music? Well… it’s for the greater good!”
MP3 player off, well hidden inside my bag. “It can’t be that bad. I mean, I walk this path at least twice a week, what could happen today? Besides being hit by lightning? Seriously, I should consider using fewer accessories. Or at least fewer metal ones. Oh, and I should also consider choosing another way to go back home. I mean, all those pine trees, the lack of light… what the… is it… oh my god!”
It was the same guy I saw earlier on the bus. That one that I just did not pay attention to…
- Is it destiny or what?
- How is it possible that you are already here?
- I fled…
- Yeah, right…
- Don’t you believe me? Do you want to see with your own eyes?
- You know what? I believe you should watch less TV!
- Do you?
- Ok, now you’re creeping me out! Why don’t you go home?
- I’m trying…
- Your family has got to be worried about you.
- Well…
- What?
- Did you notice that you haven’t left yet?
- And…
- Your family has got to be worried about you!
- What do you mean?
- I need a family…
- Ok, now that’s official… you’re watching too much TV!
- … and I want you to be part of it…
- What are you going to say next? That your skin burns in sunlight? Well… give me a break, would you? I’m out of here
- Are you?
- Yeah, you’re insane… Have you considered a mad house?
- It isn’t me who’s dreaming about supernatural creatures, miss…
- Then, who is?
The next minute I was right in front of my place. Back home, finally!