16 October 2007

Our new "get together"

In order to share and pass on some information I created an account (for free of course), in "my note IT".
It's a web space that allows you to store your class notes, important dates, and it also comes with some interesting tools, like calendar for important information and a group management, where you can share your notes and informations with users you have invited.

My suggestion to all is; create an account, and tell me your account's name in order for me to add you to the class group I created.
As soon as you're in the group we can share lots of notes related to our class assignments and even create other class notes!

Don't forget access the link for "My Note IT"


Sandra said...

Gosh, would you believe me if I told you that I created my account yesterday night and I already forgot my password? I know, that's unbelievable! I swear I used the same old thing, but it says that I'm wrong :(

Anyway, as soon as they send me an email with my pass, I'll go back. In the meantime my username is Taika, as usual ;)

L. M. said...

Well, I already added you to the group, lets hope you get the password back as soon as possible. Nevertheless, my username is Hikari2000

Paula said...

Already waiting for the invitation ; )

I'm Youknowho

AR said...

I am very interested to hear how this works for you all.
Would you mind letting me know how effective it is inn helping you come to decisions on the basis of sharing docs. Are you planning on using this to clarify your roles and speehces for the debates?

NOTE: your new debating date is 24th!! Bring research notes adn planning outlines on Monday 17th.